Zahnkliniken und Zahnarztzentren

The practical, removable alternative

Existing teeth or implants are provided with internal precious metal stump caps, which serve as telescopic anchor for detachable tooth replacement with veneer bridges and a plastic prosthetic saddle.

The practical, removable alternative

Existing teeth or implants are provided with internal precious metal stump caps, which serve as telescopic anchor for detachable tooth replacement with veneer bridges and a plastic prosthetic saddle.

Telescopes in the lower jaw



  • Larger gaps can be bridged
  • Can serve as replacement for a terminally missing row of teeth
  • Comfortable to wear
  • Satisfactory aesthetics
  • Extended indication range
  • Good functionality


  • Cleansing is performed outside the mouth
  • The bridge has to be regularly removed for cleansing purposes
  • Higher strain on telescope teeth

Telescope prosthesis on implants

Telescopes in the upper jaw

Telescope prosthesis

Telescope prosthesis on implants

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