Zahnkliniken und Zahnarztzentren

The optimised, complex alternative

Through a combination of fixed and detachable tooth replacement, a detachable partial prosthesis (usually on model cast basis) is anchored to existing teeth, crowns, bridges or implants.

The optimised, complex alternative

Through a combination of fixed and detachable tooth replacement, a detachable partial prosthesis (usually on model cast basis) is anchored to existing teeth, crowns, bridges or implants.

Telescope prosthesis lower jaw


  • Permanent durability
  • Aesthetically satisfactory
  • Good functionality
  • Valuable alloys and ceramic veneers possible


  • Metal basis may be disturbing
  • Metallic taste possible
  • Galvanically active
  • Body compatibility individually limited by model cast basis

Fixed bar construction

Model cast prosthesis on a bar construction

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