Zahnkliniken und Zahnarztzentren

Prosthetic dental medicine


Partial prostheses

Removable partial prosthesis with attachment <br><br>
Combination prosthesis with attachment<br><br>
Parodontal borne prostheses<br><br>
Parodontal-gingival borne prostheses<br><br>
Gingival borne prosthesis<br><br>
Partial prostheses<br><br>

Partial prostheses are removable prostheses in gapped teeth for the restitution of chewing functions, phonetics and aesthetics. They consist of artificial rows of teeth attached to the prosthetic basis. The denture saddles are parts of the prosthetic basis. The connection of several denture saddles consists of compensation elements (e.g., transversal and sublingual arches consisting of metal or precious metal). Anchoring elements are used as attachment to the remaining teeth.

Removable model cast or plastic prosthetics can be anchored to the remaining teeth with clamps or attachment and support elements (e. g., attachment, press-studs, bars or telescope crowns). The dual crown system (telescope crowns) does not feature the unaesthetic clamps and crowning protects the attachment teeth from further caries attacks. A combination of removable and fixed dentures provides good wearing and chewing comfort. They also serve as a rail, as the chewing forces are distributed to the other teeth through these blockings. These high-value combinations are often the only option, when side teeth are no longer available as anchors for fixed bridges.