Zahnkliniken und Zahnarztzentren

Prosthetic dental medicine



Tooth loss with: elongation of tooth 26 and tilting of teeth 26, 38
Structure of a three-part bridge

A bridge is purely parodontal borne tooth replacement for gap closure of an interrupted row of teeth and is fixated to firmly attached bridge anchors at bridge abutments. The chewing forces are exclusively absorbed by the bridge abutments.

Gap closure serves the restoration of chewing function, aesthetics and phonetics as well as the prevention of tooth migration, tilting or elongation of an antagonist in the gap. The interruption of the dental arch through loss of teeth leads to occlusion and articulation difficulties due to the disintegration of contact zones. Tilting of gap restricting teeth, as well as elongation and migration of the antagonists can cause caries and parodontal pockets, avoidable by the prompt integration of a bridge.