Zahnkliniken und Zahnarztzentren



Brushing your teeth

Systematic brushing

In order to prevent plaque formation, careful brushing at least once per day and preferably at night, is imperative. Interim brushing can be performed at will. Examinations have shown that plaque is no longer removed after two minutes of brushing with the correct rushing technique and the correct brush with the correct pressure. The correct pressure is approx. 150 g, the weight of an orange. Brushing should be supplemented by aids such as dental floss, interdental brushes and hygiene sticks to ensure that plaque is completely removed. Excess and overlong brushing with too much pressure can injure dental enamel and gingiva.

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Brushing your teeth

Systematic brushing

In order to prevent plaque formation, careful brushing at least once per day and preferably at night, is imperative. Interim brushing can be performed at will. Examinations have shown that plaque is no longer removed after two minutes of brushing with the correct rushing technique and the correct brush with the correct pressure. The correct pressure is approx. 150 g, the weight of an orange. Brushing should be supplemented by aids such as dental floss, interdental brushes and hygiene sticks to ensure that plaque is completely removed. Excess and overlong brushing with too much pressure can injure dental enamel and gingiva.

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Brushing your teeth

Systematic brushing

In order to prevent plaque formation, careful brushing at least once per day and preferably at night, is imperative. Interim brushing can be performed at will. Examinations have shown that plaque is no longer removed after two minutes of brushing with the correct rushing technique and the correct brush with the correct pressure. The correct pressure is approx. 150 g, the weight of an orange. Brushing should be supplemented by aids such as dental floss, interdental brushes and hygiene sticks to ensure that plaque is completely removed. Excess and overlong brushing with too much pressure can injure dental enamel and gingiva.

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