Zahnkliniken und Zahnarztzentren




If exposed root sections (so-called gingiva recessions) have to be covered in surgical parodontology, a mucosal transplant is performed. A thin piece is extracted from the palatal or cheek mucosa with a mucotome (a special mucosal plane), thus covering the defect.

The attached gingiva acts like a buffer between the marginal gingiva and the lip and cheek mucosa (mobile due to muscle power) in the vestibule. A seam at the attached gingiva, too narrow due to shrinkage, cannot absorb the muscle forces, so that movement will tear and inflame the marginal gingiva. To prevent further parodontal damages, a vestibuloplasty needs to be performed, in which the movable vestibular mucosa and muscles are detached and the periosteal wound is covered either with a mucosal transplant from the cheek region or the hard palate or with skin transplants from the body surface in the case of a larger expansion.

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