Zahnkliniken und Zahnarztzentren



Gingivectomy / gingivoplasty

Cutting during external and internal gingivectomy<br><br><br><br><br>

During a gingivectomy a part of the gingiva is removed in order to plane gingival pockets or pseudo-pockets or to correct gingival hyperplasia. This is done via scalpel, laser or surgical HF device under local anaesthetic. A parodontal pack can promote healing after a gingivectomy.

The objective in gingivoplasty is the creation of a flat transition of the gingival contour at the tooth in order to restore the natural, anatomically correct form of the gingiva. This improves the sliding of food during biting and chewing as well as the aesthetics, while generally leading to a reduced traumatisation of the marginal parodontium.

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