Zahnkliniken und Zahnarztzentren



Parodontal abscesses

Parodontal abscess
Pericoronal abscess in region 38

An abscess is a collection of suppurative liquid in tissue in connection with an inflammation.

  • Parodontal abscess – concerning parts of the parodontium;
  • Pericoronal abscess – arises in the vicinity of a partially displaced tooth;
  • Periapical abscess – arising at the root tip of an avital tooth;
  • Gingival abscess – limited to the gums.

Two conditions must prevail in an abscess:

  1. Bacteria have entered the tissue.
  2. The inflammatory tissue liquid cannot drain off.

Possible entry portals for bacteria are: deep parodontal pockets, the roots of teeth with dead pulpa, the mucosa hoods of partially retained teeth.

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