Zahnkliniken und Zahnarztzentren



Chronic parodontitis

Chronic parodontitis

Chronic parodontitis is a local infection of the parodontium tissue (gingiva, alveolar bone, desmodont and root cementum). It is the most common form of parodontitis and can occur during any age. Severity increases with age. This is an infectious disease.
The disease's symptoms are:

  • Inflamed gingiva – bleeding/discolouration/loss of stippling
  • Probeable, parodontal pocket
  • Migrating/loosening teeth
  • Receding gums
  • Radiologically visible bone deterioration
  • Increased (partially suppurative) exudate emission from pockets
  • Plaque concrement and tartar collection
  • Occurrence of typical parodontal-pathogenic bacteria