Zahnkliniken und Zahnarztzentren



Retention devices

Retention serves the stabilisation of treatment success after the removal of orthodontic appliances. Retention should prevail at least as long as the active treatment phase and significantly longer retention periods are sometimes required. Various retention techniques are in use. The selection of retention devices (retainers) depends on the type and scope of previous tooth movement and should take the danger of a recurrence in tooth misalignment into consideration.

Fixed retainers inhibit oral hygiene, so that patients with adhered retainers should be given the respective caries prophylactic support.

Removable retainers should initially be worn daily, then every second day after approx. two years and then only once or twice per week thereafter.

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Retention devices

Retention serves the stabilisation of treatment success after the removal of orthodontic appliances. Retention should prevail at least as long as the active treatment phase and significantly longer retention periods are sometimes required. Various retention techniques are in use. The selection of retention devices (retainers) depends on the type and scope of previous tooth movement and should take the danger of a recurrence in tooth misalignment into consideration.

Fixed retainers inhibit oral hygiene, so that patients with adhered retainers should be given the respective caries prophylactic support.

Removable retainers should initially be worn daily, then every second day after approx. two years and then only once or twice per week thereafter.

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Retention devices

Retention serves the stabilisation of treatment success after the removal of orthodontic appliances. Retention should prevail at least as long as the active treatment phase and significantly longer retention periods are sometimes required. Various retention techniques are in use. The selection of retention devices (retainers) depends on the type and scope of previous tooth movement and should take the danger of a recurrence in tooth misalignment into consideration.

Fixed retainers inhibit oral hygiene, so that patients with adhered retainers should be given the respective caries prophylactic support.

Removable retainers should initially be worn daily, then every second day after approx. two years and then only once or twice per week thereafter.

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