Zahnkliniken und Zahnarztzentren



Extraoral appliance

Extraoral devices work on teeth, tooth groups and jaws from the outside. Frequently used devices are headgears, head-chin caps and face masks. The therapeutical effect of these devices strongly depends on the patient's good cooperation.

The headgear/facial arch consists of an internal and external arch. An extraoral torque is suspended in the loop of the external arch. This enables distal movements of molars, extensions, shortening and rotation of molars, shortening and extension of the frontal segment, anchoring of molars and inhibition of skeletal growth in the upper jaw. The headgear can also be used together with functional orthodontic appliances.

The head-chin cap allows force application in the chin area and is supported in the neck and head area according to the direction of the torque. This appliance is particularly used in the treatment of progenia (attempt to inhibit growth in the lower jaw) and as therapy for skeletal open occlusions.

The face mask is used for post-development of the upper jaw, as this enables a forward maxillar orientation and mesial movement of the upper molars. The DELAIRE device is especially successful in patients with cleft lips, jaws and palates.

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Extraoral appliance

Extraoral devices work on teeth, tooth groups and jaws from the outside. Frequently used devices are headgears, head-chin caps and face masks. The therapeutical effect of these devices strongly depends on the patient's good cooperation.

The headgear/facial arch consists of an internal and external arch. An extraoral torque is suspended in the loop of the external arch. This enables distal movements of molars, extensions, shortening and rotation of molars, shortening and extension of the frontal segment, anchoring of molars and inhibition of skeletal growth in the upper jaw. The headgear can also be used together with functional orthodontic appliances.

The head-chin cap allows force application in the chin area and is supported in the neck and head area according to the direction of the torque. This appliance is particularly used in the treatment of progenia (attempt to inhibit growth in the lower jaw) and as therapy for skeletal open occlusions.

The face mask is used for post-development of the upper jaw, as this enables a forward maxillar orientation and mesial movement of the upper molars. The DELAIRE device is especially successful in patients with cleft lips, jaws and palates.

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Extraoral appliance

Extraoral devices work on teeth, tooth groups and jaws from the outside. Frequently used devices are headgears, head-chin caps and face masks. The therapeutical effect of these devices strongly depends on the patient's good cooperation.

The headgear/facial arch consists of an internal and external arch. An extraoral torque is suspended in the loop of the external arch. This enables distal movements of molars, extensions, shortening and rotation of molars, shortening and extension of the frontal segment, anchoring of molars and inhibition of skeletal growth in the upper jaw. The headgear can also be used together with functional orthodontic appliances.

The head-chin cap allows force application in the chin area and is supported in the neck and head area according to the direction of the torque. This appliance is particularly used in the treatment of progenia (attempt to inhibit growth in the lower jaw) and as therapy for skeletal open occlusions.

The face mask is used for post-development of the upper jaw, as this enables a forward maxillar orientation and mesial movement of the upper molars. The DELAIRE device is especially successful in patients with cleft lips, jaws and palates.

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