Zahnkliniken und Zahnarztzentren

Conservative dental medicine


Filling therapy in damaged teeth

Damage caused by brushing
Damage at tooth neck caused by brushing

Damage caused by brushing usually affects the tooth neck, i.e., the point where the dental enamel ends and the root begins. Wrong or too aggressive brushing techniques lead to plaque deposits and thus to demineralisation and caries creation at the tooth neck.

There are further factors which favour an initial exposure of the root cement and root dentin. These include: thin, vestibular alveolar bone, sensitive gingiva or parodontal diseases. Excessive intake of raw foods with lots of juices and citrus fruits can also cause mineral loss. Brushing defects are not always accompanied by caries.

After cleaning and drying the hard tooth substances, they are roughened with etching gel. Primer and bonder or a one-component adhesive are then applied, the defect is filled with a colour-matched composite material and hardened with light.