Zahnkliniken und Zahnarztzentren



Surface description at the tooth

The various dental surface descriptions:

  1. mesial – towards the centre of the dental arch
  2. distal – away from the centre of the dental arch
  3. occlusal – on the chewing surface
  4. incisal – at the cutting edge
  5. vestibular - towards the oral vestibule
  6. lingual – towards the tongue
  7. palatinal – towards the palate
  8. approximal – towards the adjacent tooth
  9. interradicular – between the roots
  10. labial – towards the lip
  11. buccal – towards the cheek
  12. oral – towards the oral cavity
  13. cervical - towards the dental neck



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Surface description at the tooth

The various dental surface descriptions:

  1. mesial – towards the centre of the dental arch
  2. distal – away from the centre of the dental arch
  3. occlusal – on the chewing surface
  4. incisal – at the cutting edge
  5. vestibular - towards the oral vestibule
  6. lingual – towards the tongue
  7. palatinal – towards the palate
  8. approximal – towards the adjacent tooth
  9. interradicular – between the roots
  10. labial – towards the lip
  11. buccal – towards the cheek
  12. oral – towards the oral cavity
  13. cervical - towards the dental neck



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Surface description at the tooth

The various dental surface descriptions:

  1. mesial – towards the centre of the dental arch
  2. distal – away from the centre of the dental arch
  3. occlusal – on the chewing surface
  4. incisal – at the cutting edge
  5. vestibular - towards the oral vestibule
  6. lingual – towards the tongue
  7. palatinal – towards the palate
  8. approximal – towards the adjacent tooth
  9. interradicular – between the roots
  10. labial – towards the lip
  11. buccal – towards the cheek
  12. oral – towards the oral cavity
  13. cervical - towards the dental neck



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Surface description at the tooth

The various dental surface descriptions:

  1. mesial – towards the centre of the dental arch
  2. distal – away from the centre of the dental arch
  3. occlusal – on the chewing surface
  4. incisal – at the cutting edge
  5. vestibular - towards the oral vestibule
  6. lingual – towards the tongue
  7. palatinal – towards the palate
  8. approximal – towards the adjacent tooth
  9. interradicular – between the roots
  10. labial – towards the lip
  11. buccal – towards the cheek
  12. oral – towards the oral cavity
  13. cervical - towards the dental neck



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