Zahnkliniken und Zahnarztzentren

Own locations

MEDECO Zahnkliniken and MEDECO Center

After an intense analysis of the location, MEDECO GmbH (holding company) purchases or leases objects suitable for the operation of MEDECO service centres. The premises are equipped according to modern medical technological and economical principles, so that in-patient, out-patient or other medical services can be rendered in personnel and professional cooperation.

The holding company initiates the foundation of a company, which adopts the operation of a MEDECO company (e.g., MEDECO clinic, MEDECO Treatment Centre). Only doctors and dentists may become associates (partners) of a medical service centre.

The holding company lets the respective operating company, medical associations or professional associations have the use of the rooms based on separate lease agreements as well as the equipment and the assets to operate MEDECO companies on the basis of purchase and/or lease agreements.  The corresponding concessions to operate the service centres are made available.